Tuesday, August 20, 2013

9. Stars

I miss stargazing, especially my uni's dark skies.

I'm sad at the world. I'm sad that not enough people is paying attention at things that matter. Egypt matter, people who get killed matter, people who were ordered to kill (and they need to follow it) matter. My religion matter. Pleasing Him matter. Being a good person deep inside matter. Being a more considerate person matter. Being less racist freakin' help a lot.

Not enough people see that.
I'm sad that all we think about now or rather all we are surrounded now are things that makes us forgetful. We forget that we belong to the world, that every one of us is important. We forget that there are more to life than just concerts. We forget that there are more to life than climbing the social ladder, being 'cool' etcetera. We forget that we are capable of being more than what we are now. We forget that we can live without the latest gadgets. We forget that status quo is just bullish and it will fade some day. We forget that being pretty is pure superficiality at its best. We forget, we forget, we --forget.


I'm just sad that we look forward to a date, which in reality, there's no guarantee we'd live the minute after. Allah. I'm just sad. :c

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